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“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mr. Bertoldi and his firm, Missouri Med, since 1994. I’ve seen, first hand, the value and quality of service Missouri Med offers to its clients and it’s VERY impressive, especially compared to Physicians who handle this process on their own and/or those who hire a different firm to help them with this process. With that, I STRONGLY recommend Missouri Med to EVERY Physician considering licensure in Missouri.”

Mrs. Elizabeth Kress

Former Licensing Supervisor – Missouri Board of Medicine

“Thank you for your tenacious & tireless efforts on my behalf in getting my Missouri license. The daunting task of collecting all the necessary information & communicating with the Board from a long distance (Ohio) appeared seemingly impossible until I found you. Kudos to Katie Bertoldi in particular; her frequent updates & e-mails were professional & reassuring. That was about as painless as it could be & worth twice what you charge.”

Dr. Robert R. Brightwell, D.O.

License #OS10774

“I sent MO Med my CV, less than two months later I had my license. Barely lifted a finger quite frankly. This service is a MUST for every Physician seeking MO licensure, no matter what your circumstances are. A colleague of mine hired another firm because they charged less money. He thought he was getting a good deal. 8 months later, he still had no license and was getting absolutely nowhere with this other firm. I told him about Missouri Med. He contacted them, paid their fee and was licensed a month later. If you’re reading this testimonial, trust me, there is no need to hesitate. Send MO Med your CV now. You won’t regret it.”

Dr. Bernard Vinoski, M.D.

License #ME102914

“Dear Michele, Katie and the rest of the staff at Missouri Med, I can’t thank you and your team enough for your OUTSTANDING service. You’ve made a somewhat dreadful process a walk in the park. I will be recommending Missouri Med whenever needed by my colleagues.

Dr. Debra Edelson, M.D.

License #ME100600

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